


While considering the organization of our first project we started exploring some important ethical questions on how we would like to coordinate this collaboration and what are the some of the profound principles that we would like to incorporate.

Offering to give or having to pay?

Creating a For-profit company comes with a more common approach where a business is trying to sell a product at the highest possible margin. This can lead to a mechanism especially with impaired competition on the market where individuals more likely become consumers with the mentality of paying what they are having to pay.

However a more profound act of exchange is where individuals can offer to give the economic value they genuinely attribute to a product or service they receive. It reveals the ethical circumstance of any transaction where we have the opportunity to mindfully receive and reward each other.

Forming a Non-profit company for our operations is an experiment that provides the fundamentals of mindful giving and receiving that guides our practice of how we all interact with each other and participate in reaching our objectives.

Giving on receiving?

One way can implement this method of transaction is quite similar to what already exists in some parts of our culture, when we are giving more on receiving, and that is gratuity.

The systems we create for exchange of economic value can introduce a payment model where the beneficiaries can offer a voluntary contribution after every transaction to maintain the network.


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